Hey streight, In case you missed it, I shared the exact process on how I setup website goals to grow our business. The guide also has a useful plugin that I use to automate the process. Here's how to setup website goals (the smart way). Remember, I truly believe that if you can't measure it, you can't improve it :) With that said, I also want to share three additional resources this week (one is time-sensitive). 1. A new free plugin by a WPBeginner growth accelerator company As you probably already know that I invest in a lot of WordPress companies. One of them is Rymera Web. Josh (founder) told me on Wednesday that they released a free version of their popular Advanced Coupons plugin. If you're using WooCommerce, then this is a MUST HAVE plugin. Here's the link to download the free version. We also did a tutorial on how to use it to create free gifts in WooCommerce. 2. Customizing navigation menus in WordPress Navigation menus are an important element of each website. I had our team create a comprehensive guide that covers everything from: creating a custom navigation menu, customizing it, adding image icons, and making it mobile friendly. It also has resources on creating mega menus like Starbucks and other large brands. Here's how to create custom navigation menus in WordPress. 3. Last chance to start a website and save big! The team at SiteGround told me, this the last week to claim their $0.99 website offer. It expires on May 12th. SiteGround is the hosting company that I use for WPBeginner. They are offering Startup hosting for $0.99 for 3 months to help more entrepreneurs / creators get started during COVID-19 challenging times. Also Bluehost, another popular WordPress hosting company that I use for my smaller sites, is offering website hosting for $2.75 per month, and it includes a free domain + SSL. Thousands of smart people are starting new online ventures right now because of huge saving opportunities. You don't want to miss out on this. Remember, creative ideas happen when you stop thinking about what others will think. Consistency is more important than intensity! You can start today and continue to improve your website each week. I started WPBeginner just like that in 2009, and today it's read by millions of readers worldwide. Anyways, that's all for today. Have a happy weekend. Stay safe, healthy, and in good spirits :) Syed Balkhi Founder of WPBeginner P.S. We passed 40,000+ members on WPBeginner Engage facebook group. You should join, it's free. | |