
Rabu, 04 Juli 2018

WPBeginner Turns 9 years old - Reflections and Updates 🎉

It's pretty insane to think that WPBeginner is officially 9 years old. 

Like every year, I want to take a few minutes to thank everyone and do a quick recap of all the major things happening in business as well as my personal life.

You can read my reflections and updates here.

What's inside:

- Insights and lessons from me selling a multi-million dollar WordPress plugin business.

- Pictures of my family (Solomon, Amanda, and Me) traveling

- Updates on the status of various products that we have. Collectively our software / plugins are now running on over 6 million websites!

- Announcement of a relatively new plugin acquisition that we made (in case you missed it).

It would mean a lot to me if you head over to the post and comment about how WPBeginner has helped you in the journey.

>> WPBeginner Turns 9 years old - Reflections and Updates

I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported us in this journey. I really do appreciate all of your retweets, personal emails, content suggestions, and the in-person hugs / interactions at the events.

You all are AMAZING and without you, there is no WPBeginner.

So thank you.

I look forward to another solid year ahead of us.

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner
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Here's to you and an amazing 2018!
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